Ever wonder how in the world that this administration is going to claim that is stimulated the economy and created jobs?

I’ve figured it out.

I am the Federal Sales Director for my company, and I have a good pulse on what is going on in the government markets. One of the first things that became clear a few months ago, after the stimulus was passed was that every government agency began to start gearing up with projects that “needed” to get done because of the stimulus money that was going to be sent their way. Now remember, if a government agency doesn’t spend the money that it is given, it loses that money for good.

The projects that were alluded to in requests for comment (RFC) at places like were staggering. Billions upon billions of dollars worth of projects, all to pre-existing agencies and/or projects. And this struck me as odd because this “stimulus” money was supposed to be put back into the economy. Putting “stimulus” money into federal projects that are not “shovel ready” and most likely to be serviced be pre-existing workers and contracts made no sense.

Until now…
I caught this little gem today in
The Federal Hiring Process: Can It Meet Today’s Government Requirements?
August 21, 2009

Here is the telling statement:
“From the stimulus plan to the debate on health care in American, the federal government is involved. Big government is not only big, it is getting bigger.
The estimates of the number of new federal employees to be hired ranges to as high as 600,000. John Berry, the Director of OPM, wants to revamp the federal hiring process to make it more efficient. Whether this effort will be successful or how long it will take to make it successful is open to question.”

You can go and read the article for yourself, as it mostly pertains to the notion of increasing “efficiency” in the government hiring process… Which is a joke in and of itself… I digress…

The point is that the federal government is anticipating the hiring of 600,000 employees!!!!!

That very notion in and of itself would give this administration the ability to say that it has stimulated the economy by the creation of new jobs, and I am sure that they will leave out the reality that those jobs were government jobs. While government jobs are not a bad thing per say, when they are “created” after the government has taken the steps to slow the economy; it becomes a feat of political gamesmanship and dishonesty.

It is also yet another government power grab because now, there will be 600,000 people (and their families) who are now beholden to the federal government for their very livelihood. New government worker drones will be created.

Stop and think about the gravity of this.
Stimulus money appropriated for the purpose of “stimulating” the economy, but in reality will be dumped into federal programs.

The government claims its plans will create new jobs and prosperity, but it does not admit that it is going to create a new class of “worker”; that of the government worker. Moves that will not exactly stimulate a free economy.

Sadly, I do not think that many people out there will take the time to draw the correlations that now exist in the actions of this government. If you have ever sat back and wondered “what are they thinking”, or wondering how in the world anyone in the government can think that this will work; now we know. They never intended for their plans to work in the free market. Their plans are to bring the free market down, and replace it with their own collectivist economy.

Take the time to understand this, and educate those not likely to draw the correlations for themselves.

Steve Driehause votes to steal $4000 from every American Family

Steve Driehaus votes to steal $4,000 from your family.  Thanks, Steve!

This is no joke.

Think its a joke? Don’t.

This is not intended to be a judgment about the presidential race either way. It is however an intent of hope, that will cause some people to stop and take notice, and make a judgment about the associations that Obama has made.

Obama is truly an example of a criminal politician.
– He has masked his intentions totally. He say’s that he’s not an ordinary politician, that he is one of “change” and “hope” (CHOPE for short). Yet he’s the most party line voter out there. How is that CHOPE? It isn’t. You really need to take notice when the person totally misrepresents what he says he stands for.

– Look at his associations:Ayers, Rezko, Wright, various communists and jihadist sympathizers. And thats the short list.

This guy couldn’t get a security clearance if he were in the military. Yet some are considering acceptable as the commander in chief of our country’s military. He is not fit to lead in any way, shape or form.